View Full Version : ChangefIT v3.00 released

26-02-17, 08:53
What’s New in v3.00
(release date 27 February 2017)

New: Email recipient addresses can be added to or deleted from a Project or Task as required.
This will enable recipients that are not part of the project team to be receive applicable emails.
New: All relevant active Projects for a user to be displayed immediately upon entry to Project maintenance program.
No need to press F4=Search. Authorized IT personnel will have all Projects displayed.
Upgrade: The task "date required" must be today if the project "date required" is in the past.
New: Actions (eg. status change, notes, recipients) can be selected from the initial screen of the Project maintenance program.
No need to enter the amend panel and then perform the action.
Upgrade: The Project submission subfile panel will no longer process promotion parameter validation errors differently. Non-critical errors will now only be highlighted and a warning issued. These can be corrected at submission time.
Upgrade: Projects can now be linked to an external, i.e. 3rd party, ticket system.
The specified ticket can also be opened from the Project maintenance or enquiry panels.


www.ecofitonline.com (http://www.changefit.com)
DeskfIT - ChangefIT - XrefIT