View Full Version : WIndows XP SP2

15-09-04, 06:17
Hallo Zusammen,

ich habe SP2 bei mir installiert und siehe da: im Ops-Nav funktionniert
die Dateifreigaben und das IFS nicht mehr, oder mache ich dort was falsch?
CA-Express for Windows V4R4M0

Grüsse aus Hamburg


15-09-04, 07:48
Hallo Thimi,
schaue Dir einmal diese drei Info Apars der IBM an:

http://www-912.ibm.com/ImprovedSearch/SearchBroker?action=frommasthead&scope=iSeries&q=iSeries%20Access%20for%20Windows%20and%20PC%20Fi rewall%20Products

Windows XP SP2 Can Muck with iSeries Access
by* iSeries NEWS staff *

September 02, 2004 —* Rochester's iSeries Access (aka Client Access) team has published a support document explaining that the default firewall enabled in Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) can shut down communication between the iSeries host and Windows client when using iSeries Access for Windows. The problem is that the default firewall blocks the incoming communications that iSeries Access depends upon.
That doesn't mean you can't use SP2 with iSeries Access. The support document goes on to explain how to configure Windows firewall to make an exception for iSeries Access. For more information, see the support document, "iSeries Access for Windows and PC Firewall Products."

15-09-04, 08:23

vielen Dank! Wie immer, es war richtig fix! Es hilft mir weiter.

Gruss aus HH
