View Full Version : Systemjobs QDBSRV

Andreas K
08-02-06, 12:52
Hallo zusammen,

kann mir jemand verraten was der Job QDBSRV01- XX im genauen macht?

Wir haben das Problem das diese Jobs einige Daten von blockieren.

Vielen Dank


08-02-06, 13:16
Qdbsrv01 (database server)
This job can be viewed as the database maintenance task dispatcher. The number of database server jobs on the system is one plus twice the number of processors, or one plus twice the number of ASPs, whichever is greater. The minimum started is five. Qsbsrv01 is the main system job assigning work to the others. Typically, Qdbsrv01 will be most active immediately after restoring a library that contains database files. Its function includes:

* Signaling to the system-managed access path protection (SMAPP) Licensed Internal Code (LIC) tasks that new access paths have been restored. SMAPP then determines whether these access paths need to be protected.
* Preparing the list of access paths that are required to be rebuilt because the access paths were not restored.

Of the remaining database server jobs, the first half process high-priority requests, and the second half process low-priority requests. Qdbsrv02 through Qdbsrv05 are high priority, Qdbsrv06 through Qdbsrv09 are low priority.

Qdbsrvxx (database server, high priority)
These jobs perform journal and commitment control maintenance for the system and are considered quick or short-running work.

Qdbsrvxx (database server, low priority)
These jobs perform access path maintenance on user data files. Typically, these jobs are inactive, but in certain cases, they may activate to perform access path rebuilds. Some reasons why these jobs could be active are:

* Restoring database files that were not saved with access paths.
* Restoring logical files without the physical file they are based on.
* Canceling of an Rgzpfm command while in process.
* Invalidation of an index due to damage found in the index.
* Post-iSeries installation activity to complete cross-reference or other DB upgrade activity.
* Constraint verification