Hi *ALL,

Let`s get ready to rumble. The new iSphere version 2.0 is available.

First here are some important notes. Because we have changed the internal structure of the plugin it is necessary to MANUALLY uninstall any old iSphere version prior to install the new iSphere version 2.0. If you use TN5250J for WDSCi 7.0/RDi 8.0+ together with iSphere for WDSCi 7.0/RDi 8.0+ you also have to install the new TN5250J version.

The iSphere Project is growing. Currently there`s one new contributor next to Task Force. It`s Thomas Raddatz. He has done most of the work in the new iSphere version. Any other out there who is willing to contribute to iSphere is welcome. We would also appreciate if there would be someone who could translate the UI to other languages than English and German.

Here is the list with the new features.

• In view “iSphere Source File Search”, which contains the search results, the member description will be displayed next to the member, now.
• If you export the search results displayed in view “iSphere Source File Search” to Excel, the output contains also the column “Member Description”, now.
• If you export the search results displayed in view “iSphere Message File Search” to Excel, the output contains also the column “Message File Description”, now.
• Now iSphere Source File Search can run in background. When starting the search a progress window appears. Here you can press the button “Run in Background”.
• Now iSphere Message File Search can run in background. When starting the search a progress window appears. Here you can press the button “Run in Background”.
• Now Deleting spooled files can run in background. When starting the delete task, a progress window appears. Here you can press the button “Run in Background”.
• When opening a member via the view “iSphere Source File Search” the LPEX editor will be used by default. Now, when opening a member of type DSPF, MNUDDS or PRTF iSphere asks you to use the LPEX editor, the screen designer or the report designer.
• The search results of iSphere Source File Search can be exported to a member filter, now.
• The search results of iSphere Message File Search can be exported to an object filter, now.
• By default spooled files are converted by spooled file transform and workstation customization objects, now.
• The binding directory editor has been changed to let you double-click a binding directory entry for editing.
• The binding directory entry and the message description editor have been changed to remember their size and position.
• Added new “iSphere Task Tags” plugin. Now you can add your own task tags to your source member, e.g. TODO, FIXME, etc.
• Now a list of spooled files based on spooled file filters can be shown in view “Remote System Details” by selecting “Show in Table” in the context menu of the spooled file filter.

A lot of the new features have been realized because of your feedback. Feedback is important for us. If you think something is bad please let us know about it. If you think something is good we would love to hear it. If you have any ideas for new features please don`t hesitate to send us a feature request.

One word to the new feature “By default spooled files are converted by spooled file transform and workstation customization objects, now.”. We hereby have added a new option to convert spooled files to Text, HTML and PDF. It`s a totally different way in comparison to the two ways we currently provide. If you currently have set the type of conversion of the spooled files in the preferences to “Default” then in version 2.0 it will be set to “Transform”. People who had problems with the “Default” conversion in the past could perhaps try to resolve that problem with the “Transform” conversion.

Another word to the new Task Tags feature. In the java world task tags are frequently used. It makes it easier for you to find specific positions in your source members, which you prior have marked with a task tag. By default every eclipse installation provides a “Tasks” view, showing the task tags. Double clicking on a task tag opens the LPEX editor and the source will be positioned on the task tag.

Here is the project home of iSphere for WDSCi 7.0/RDi 8.0+

And here is the project home of TN5250J for WDSCi 7.0/RDi 8.0+

And now enjoy.