[NEWSboard IBMi Forum]
  1. #1
    Registriert seit
    Jun 2018

    Connect to iSeries from Linux


    I have installed a db2 client and db2 connect. I built my php extension and successfully made a connect to the iseries. Is it possible to utilize system naming and library lists using db2 connect?

    Please help.

    I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

    Small Business Video Marketing Company


  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    Feb 2001
    With db2Connect this isn't possible, because db2 doesn't support Non-SQL-Standard.
    SQL-Standard works always with Schema.Table.
    For php it exists a spcific i5-Library:
    Dienstleistungen? Die gibt es hier: http://www.fuerchau.de
    Das Excel-AddIn: https://www.ftsolutions.de/index.php/downloads
    BI? Da war doch noch was: http://www.ftsolutions.de

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