The process to create an object from a SQLRPGLE source member is a multi-step process:

  1. The syntax of the SQL within the source member is checked to ensure it is valid.
  2. A copy of the source member being compiled is moved to a source file QSQLPRE in QTEMP.
  3. The SQL statements in the source member are converted to calls and the new source member is placed in the source file QSQLTEMP1 in QTEMP, as a RPGLE source type.
  4. It is this source member that is compiled.

Wenn Schritt 2 des Prozesses fehlschlägt wird RNF0733 geworfen.Gibt es einen weg das zu vermeiden?

  • Ein interaktiver Job ist keine Option
  • Ich benötige rpgPpOpt(*lvl2) entsprechend bin ich an crtSqlRpgI gebunden.