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  1. #1
    Registriert seit
    Oct 2003

    cd Image brennen

    Ich habe vom IBM Fix Central das neueste CUM mittels FTP geladen. Normalerweise verarbeite ich die .bin Files mittels Immage Catalog. Kann man diese Dateien eigendlich auch brennen, sodaß man ´"normale" PTF-CD´s hat? Mit nero oder CloneCD geht´s nicht oder ich mache was falsch. Hat wer ne Idee??


  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    May 2002


    Hallo Udo,
    hier aus den PSP Informationen:


    As with any PTF order, before you install the PTFs you should review the
    cover letter of each delivered PTF for any special instructions that may
    need to be followed. The cumulative PTF package media itself does not
    have any PTF cover letters because any special instructions that need to
    be followed for the cumulative package are contained in this document.
    However, when you ordered your cumulative PTF package, you were
    automatically sent the latest HIPER and Database PTF groups along with
    the cumulative PTF package. You should review the cover letters for the
    PTFs in these groups that are applicable to your system. The commands
    needed for copying and printing (or displaying) the PTF cover letter(s)
    are included below.

    If you downloaded the cumulative PTF package using the Customized
    Cumulative PTF Package option from Fix Central, you may choose to
    install your PTFs in one of two ways: (a) using an image catalog, or (b)
    creating CD-ROMs from the images and loading the CD-ROMs.

    For information on these procedures, refer to the information on the
    Internet at the following URL:


    Installing fixes from the FTP Server

    Before installing fixes from the FTP Server

    Before you install the fixes in your package, do the following.
    Have a copy of the e-mail confirming your order available for reference.
    Install the Operations Navigator plug-in.
    Note: Required one time only if you choose to download using Operations Navigator.

    Download the self-extracting file
    self-extracting .exe file

    Run the .exe file
    You should install the files in the default directory: jvopnav\com\ibm\as400\opnav.

    If any part of the directory does not exist, create it.
    If your national language version is not 2924, install the plug-in as follows.
    Unzip the plug-in.
    Rename the MRI2924 directory to match the MRI version of the install client.
    For example, if your national language version is 2923, rename the directory to MRI2923.
    Run Selective Setup to install the plug-in.

    Consider using software managers called "download managers" to allow you to resume interrupted or failed downloads. Although IBM does not endorse any third-party download managers, some popular ones include the following. ¹





    Follow these steps to download the fixes

    Decide whether to download the fixes directly to the Integrated File System (IFS) on the IBM eServer iSeries family of servers or to a PC.
    Beginning with V5R2, you have two choices.
    You can use image catalogs, and download the fixes directly to IFS on the iSeries server.
    Or, you can burn CD-ROMs on a PC.
    For releases prior to V5R2, you must burn CD-ROMs on a PC.
    Note: You will get better performance when burning the CD-ROMs if you put the files on your local PC drive.
    Select one of the following three methods to download the fixes.
    Use the FTP command from IBM OS/400® or IBM i5/OS™
    Use a Web browser
    Use Operations Navigator
    To download the fixes, follow the instructions provided in your e-mail for whichever method you selected in the previous step.
    Note: The time that it will take to download the fixes is dependent on many factors including the speed and the configuration of your network.

    Follow these steps to install the fixes

    You may install the fixes using either method listed below.
    Install the fixes from an image catalog associated with a virtual optical device. (V5R2 or a later release is required)
    Install the fixes from CD-ROM on any supported release.

    Install the fixes from an image catalog
    Refer to the instructions on how to install fixes from an image catalog in the iSeries Information Center.
    Note: You must have release V5R2 (or a later release) installed in order to to use image catalogs.

    Install the fixes from CD-ROM
    Create the CD-ROM (or CD-ROMs) on your PC from the .bin file (or files). You may use any CD-Writer software that supports writing CD-ROMs in RAW mode, standard data format. Although IBM does not endorse any third-party CD-Writer software, some popular software packages include the following. ¹
    Easy CD Creator®
    Nero Burning ROM
    Note: Because each .bin file is a bit-for-bit copy of one CD-ROM, you must create a separate CD-ROM for each .bin file in order for the fixes to install properly.
    You may need to rename the file from .bin to .iso depending on your CD-Writer software.
    You should choose the following options when creating your CD. Some of the options may be listed under the advanced settings.
    Create (or burn) a CD from a CD image.
    Standard data format for single session CDs (for example, "Data CD" or "Mode 1 CD-ROM").
    RAW data mode.
    Disc-at-Once (not Track-at-Once).
    Install the fixes from CD-ROM. Refer to the instructions on how to Install fixes from media or how to Install a cumulative fix package in the iSeries Information Center.
    Note: You may choose to install from CD-ROM on any supported release of OS/400 or i5/OS.


    Denotes a main link
    Denotes a download
    Denotes a non-IBM link

    ¹ IBM makes no representations or warranties about any other Web site which you may access through this one. When you access non-IBM Web sites, even though they may contain the IBM logo and content regarding IBM's products and services, such Web sites are independent of IBM and IBM has no control over the operation of non-IBM Web sites. In addition, a link to a non-IBM Web site does not mean that IBM endorses that Web site or has any responsibility for the use of such Web site.


  3. #3
    Registriert seit
    Oct 2003

    Hab es schlußendlich als ISO-Image gebrannt und hat funktioniert

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